
Yizkor - Book of Life

  • It is an ancient Jewish tradition to honor the memory of our loved ones during the High Holidays in the Yizkor prayers and to pledge charity in their memories. The virtue of pledging tzedakah during Yizkor creates an opportunity for the souls of our loved ones to be connected with us through tangible acts of goodness and kindness. One way to honor this tradition is through the publication of a Book of Life, used when we gather for our High Holy Day services.

    As in previous years, Chabad of Wilmette will be publishing a Yizkor - Book of Life. This booklet will give us the opportunity to memorialize those whom we lovingly remember at this time, as well as include prayers and meditations of the Yizkor Service. It will be distributed and used for this year’s Yom Kippur Yizkor services and subsequent Yizkor services throughout the year.

    We invite you to participate in this honorable mitzvah. Please complete the form below and list the names of any of your loved ones you wish to be included.

    Please enter all names and relationships exactly as you wish them to appear.
    (View last year's listing here)

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